Services Offered

I offer free, 30-minute mental health consultations over a secure and confidential video/telehealth platform. These can be consultations for yourself, or they can be consultations on behalf of another person (e.g., child, family member, close friend) or agency. There are three primary goals with every consultation:

Please note that my mental health consultations are not intended to be therapy sessions -- they are merely a bridge to formalized mental health treatment. This may be initiating formal services with me, or a referral to an outside provider. That said, I will continue to consult with you until the individual in need of support has been set up with the services needed.


The types of assessment I usually offer include evaluating for…

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in children, adolescents, and adults,

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in some children, adolescents, and young adults,

  • Specific Learning Disorders, with impairments in Math, Writing, and/or Reading, including Dyslexia, and

  • general diagnostic clarity and further treatment recommendations regarding depressive disorders, anxiety disorders (e.g., generalized anxiety, OCD, PTSD, panic disorder), and personality features.

​The psychological report resulting from assessment services always includes treatment recommendations related to the findings of assessment, including academic recommendations toward development or revision of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, if deemed necessary.


I work with each individuals and families on a variety of presenting issues. My specialty is working with preteens, adolescents, and young adults on many concerns.

My specialty training is in treatment of anxiety and mood disorders in adolescents, including…

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • Panic Disorder

  • Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

  • Adjustment Disorders

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


I also offer services to agencies or individuals in need of consultation in a number of areas related to psychology.

Contact me for more information if you are interested in psychological consultation services.

Public Speaking Engagements

I have been involved in public speaking engagements for a number of years throughout the midwest on a variety of topics. Some more recent topics I’ve spoken on include building psychological resilience in caregivers, promoting men’s mental health, sleep science and hygiene, and the effect of modern technology on children.

Feel free to browse my curriculum vita on my About Me page if you would like to learn more about my prior experience delivering psychological services.